Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Journey

Ahh, the journey, searching for a way to start a business, with no overhead. And lets face it, why no overhead? Because I don't have any to invest. Especially now with the economy being the way it is, I've got to start something up with no overhead, but that will market to the entire nation, no, not just the entire nation, the whole world. My, what an order for an opportunity to fill!

Look, if you're looking for a good opportunity, maybe you're looking for similar reasons as I am, or maybe you could invest in something, great. I've found it. And having money to invest will just get you a leg up. Not that it will matter, much to me, I can still make that extra income I want, at the same time you're getting yours. You could even have a blog or business site that is already generating a substantial income or following, or even limited amount of sales leads, or customers; the opportunity is for you to increase your business potential. Rather than starting a second income.

I told you I was going to talk about my walk and experiences along the way, and what a story, I should be able to deliver. Ever since before I left home and joined the military I've had different offers made to me, even from my own parents to start the schemes they were starting. But even then I may have gotten excited about it at first, that excitement was quickly drained by the realization that those businesses couldn't really deliver on the promises they made. Even though I wanted to get-rich-quick, somehow I knew it wasn't possible.

The only way to make a bunch of money real quick, is to have a bunch of money already. It takes money to make money. Oh, but whats cool about this one statement of fact, is that time is money. And the time I have invested into searching, my oh my. I've had a picture of what I wanted to do, the business I desired to be involved in, the way that it should work, for a long time. Basically, I've had the vision, I just needed the reality.

I remember while selling cars at Sandy Sansing in Pensacola Florida, a network marketer set his eyes on recruiting me, and the time spent just thinking about this offer, (it was the "new" Amway,) just took from the time I spent doing my actual job. I was constantly trying to sell him on getting a new Chrysler to replace his old convertible, and he was constantly trying to get me to join his "team." If I'm to have two things happening, (ie. a job, and a business, ) then neither can interfere with the other, or else both will fail. That's the way I see it. Here's something I learned about sales, of any kind, you have to create a bond with the people you are trying to turn into clients.

For instance, while I was selling Chryslers, a pretty young lady and her two young children had come to look at our selection of vans. In case you didn't know, Chrysler is more well known for their vans than for the 300's, having such great features, and being the first company to make a minivan. I had before walked a potential customer around a van showing off all of its great features, and they walked out the door complimenting me to my manager for my great knowledge of our products, but they left without me getting the sale!

To continue with my story, I took the young lady and her children to the lineup of vans, on our company golf cart, to show off our companies product, and understand what features were most important to her, so that we could pick out the perfect van for her family. When we had found the perfect van, and decided to return to the sales floor to figure out the "numbers" as car salesmen and managers so affectionately refer to the sales price; I hopped up front of the cart, and she and her two children sat on the back. I turned it around, and hit a dip in the ground, that was a small shallow ditch, and in the middle of the turn the bump caused me to punch the petal, which in turn sent the young lady and her two children flying off the back of the golf cart.

We were both so embarrassed by the incident, that upon returning inside, the sale could not have gone more smoothly, and she wound up driving off in a brand new Chrysler minivan, leaving me behind completely confused and wondering how that, of all things wound up in a sale!

Why? Why would one couple walk out after such a great presentation, and another buy after such an experience? The difference is in the words themselves - with one potential customer I gave a successful presentation, and with the other, we had a mutual experience. Experiences create memories, that last a lifetime. A presentation, is easily and very soon forgotten.

I'll tell you more in my next blog post. Maybe I can hit my goal of one blog post per day.. So far this is the second, and there is so much more to tell! I don't usually tell stories in person, primarily because that invites the other party or persons to tell a similar story just to one-up my own. This does not create the lasting impression of an experience that I want to leave a conversation with. But here, I want it. I want to read your stories of similar interest! Tell me about some experience you've had that wound up giving the results you desired, but did not at all happen the way you intended!

We all need a good laugh, especially at our own selves! After all, Laughter is the best medicine!

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