Search for the Right Solution

You know what an inventor is? A problem solver. What about an innovative business professional? Again, a problem solver. How about a Preacher, a scientist, a doctor, an engineer, or a mathematician? As before, problem solvers.

The computer programmer, web-designer, idealist; problem solvers. The leader; problem solver. The question is, which end of the spectrum do you want to be in? Part of the problem, part of the solution, or the person in the middle, bringing not compromise, but solutions. Problem solvers.

Your computer tech; problem solver. Your sales person at your local dealer for anything; problem solver. Phones, phone service, from the buildings that house them, to the massive networks that support them; problem solvers.

Think of anything you enjoy and depend on, everyday. All depend on innovative, problem solving, leaders. From the well known "geek squad" to the massive industries that make technology for you to use, and software to help you use them. Millions of problem solvers, all not working together, but working in their respective rights to lead teams of people to success on behalf of the customer.

Lets face it, you probably wouldn't just pick up some material, and build your own cell phone, or television, or computer; without having a computer and to guide you through the process. Who's gonna do that?!

Think about the line of people who have significantly changed the way we see the world, those who have done so badly, and those who gave us things like electricity, the lightbulb, the radio, automobile, airplane, train, you name it. Like, Nikola Tesla, for instance. A name that would have gone to the grave with him, but he was the inventor of electricity, wireless electricity, and the lightbulb! Google it.

To get where you are going, you've gotta know where you're headed. Compass; Garmin, the modern compass... Problem solved.

This page is entitled "Search for the Right Solution" - a command, rather than just a subject, or suggestion. Another product of "Research."