Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Have A Vision

There is a great need in our country for vision. There is a great need throughout the world for vision. Advertisement surrounds vision. Everything that we use everyday, whether it be the television, our phones, or the computer, there we find advertisement. And advertisement is someone trying to impress upon you with their vision.

If our visions match, I may have found a new customer, and you a new product. The cycle of vision. They say that "Those who have the vision lack the money, and those that have the money lack the vision." Cycles are meant to be broken. And I enjoy breaking out of the box.

Lets discuss vision. I know you have some type of vision. Children have visions of how their life will be when they grow up. "When I grow up I want to be a ..." What? What did you want to be. I wanted to be a preacher, a firefighter, an engineer/architect... The list goes on. I still want to be all the things I wanted as a child.

If I advertised to your inner child, would I win the sale? Let's not make this about sales, how about friendship? If I impress you to share in my vision, I have gained a friend. If I paint a picture with my words, and you can see that picture, then we have connected. That is the essence of good communication. However if I try to paint a picture of a beautiful garden and what is transposed into your mind is a nightmare, then our communication has obviously failed.

Problem is, in failure we have to find the place where that transposition went wrong, so it can be fixed. Did I speak/type it incorrectly, or did I misrepresent it in my tone of voice, body language, facial expressions? Was it merely a misunderstanding that could not have been prevented? Vision is important, because "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

It is the job of a good leader to properly introduce and explain vision to those they lead. Or it will be heartily rejected. That can lead to a lot of unnecessary problems. But if that leader effectively describes that vision, then the people will back him up wholeheartedly. 

It is my goal to communicate well. I don't want to be misunderstood. I don't believe anybody does. We all desire to be understood, whether we speak much or not.

How to win friends and influence people is a good book to help with the common problem. But it cannot give you vision. If you have no vision, don't step up to lead. If someone gives you their vision, and tells you to lead your people with it, then be clear to get their vision across the way it was given to you.

If you have no vision, pray. All of my visions come from God. You may see that as conceded or delusional, but to me that is giving credit where credit is due. I may be stuck in a rut, but I'm more wealthy than the richest man on earth. Its all in how you look at it. That's the treasure of good vision.

Today it is becoming increasingly obvious that we are running out of vision. Good vision only goes so far, and then another is needed. Thankfully we are only given some of the vision. If we had the whole picture then we would either give up, or there would be no more room for new visionaries.

A good visionary recognizes the quality in others, and builds a team to further the vision. It is in the best interests of all of us, everybody, that vision is not given up on. America will fall for lack of vision. The world system will fail for lack of vision.

Get the picture? Vision is extremely important. And that saying, "Those with the vision rarely have the money, and those with the money rarely have the vision." only bears testament to the fact that there needs to be a system for getting the two together.

If your vision is limited to two or three great ideas, you need help. If your vision has a stopping point, it's not full, then you need help. Every visionary needs help. Everybody needs help, just as much as everybody needs vision.

Don't take people for granted. Everybody you see everyday; none of them are just scenery in your life. Many of them have great vision, and many could be that person you need to help you. And you could be the person they need to help them. How can you know, if they are scenery?

I've put one link in this post. That was for the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" - you can buy it at the link. It is definitely worth the seven bucks you may spend on it. But it is the least of my concerns in writing this.

My concern is the value of vision. It is more valuable than time or money. Vision is what gives us time and money, and vision is what will fix the mess our country is in, and the messes we get into in life. I trust God for the vision I need.

I would not have found the opportunity that inspired this blog and my savings, if not for the great God that I serve. And that's the truth. I've been writing about my search for a startup business, primarily because it has been a long and strange search. But the rewards are far better than money. They say happiness cannot be purchased.

Vision can be bought, but it is more a gamble than an investment. Build a visionary team, make visionary friends, and surround yourself with good council.

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